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Visions of Love
Visions of Love
by The Luupe
The Luupe curates a collection of images by women and non-binary photographers celebrating love in all forms.
For Valentine's Day, we asked women and non-binary photographers to share their visions of love. From romantic gestures to moments of joy, family and togetherness, and even some tongue-in-cheek photos, it's a diverse and global hug – rich, fiery, warm, complicated –sometimes humorous– and, almost always, real.
"When I got the call in 2019 that I would get the opportunity to photograph Yalitzaa Aparicio Martinez for the Washington Post, my wheels automatically started sinning because I wanted to create something special to commemorate this moment in time. One of the setups I decided on was to photograph Yalitza holding a heart-shaped mirror because she is a beautiful reflection of all that is possible in this world. She had also just been on the cover of Vogue and for the first time, millions of indigenous Mexican women would finally see themselves represented in one of the world's most prestigious magazines, so the image we created is also an ode to self-love and being proud of where you come from." - Amanda Lopez
"Savannah Rose Lake @iamsavrose and Kenny Yu @kennyyuofficial have a love that makes us smile. I had so much fun collaborating with them and capturing their glow in the Catskill Mountains. The campaign was for Aeropostale’s #AeroWorld telling stories of people in NYC’s lockdown together." - Nat Chitwood
"This portrait is a modern day homage to John Lennon and Yoko Ono's iconic Rolling Stone Magazine portrait by Annie Leibovitz. I wanted to highlight one of my favorite queer couples, River (they/them) and Mekenna (she/her). I believe an intimate portrait like this one conveys a depth of love that cannot be fully articulated, but rather expressed in a delicate dichotomy of vulnerability and presence with one another. (this is not relevant but I found it very funny that this shoot was planned for a month and the day before I shot this, "Euphoria" utilized the same concept in a montage of Rue and Jules!) - Morgan Lieberman
"Savannah&Kenny, 2020: after the first few months in lockdown and isolation, it was touching to witness and photograph these two young people in love; they had each other, and their own world, to escape to from everything that’s going on around them, or, alternatively the strength to face it together." - Svetlana Jovanovic
"A traditional symbol of "Love" – a red heart. There is something charming in it but it also has some sadness, which is probably what love is all about - these dualities and conflicts that make it so unique. " - Dana Stirling
"This self-portrait was made in collaboration with my ex partner. Existing in a transgender relationship, we'd often talk of how we feel we're a parody of a cis/straight couple. These photos show our exploration of gender role tropes, as well as a celebration of our love." - Vaughan Larsen
"'Cherry & Sherry': This image is from a series on wine pairings that food stylist Veronica Laramie and I did for Valentine's Day. It represents the end (or start!) to the best date night: digging straight into a sensually imperfect cherry pie over a glass at dessert wine." - Stephanie Shih
"After a breakup, I traveled to Death Valley to find some space. I shot this self-portrait there, trying to keep myself balanced while leaning into the aftermath." - Linnea Bullion
"A tale as old as time, really. What you see is a love that defies whispers, superstition, gossip and traditions. A love that’s as pure as 2022 is beautiful. " - Meika Ejiasi
"My boyfriend Finn and my favourite subject to photograph, in my apartment in Berlin." - Maria Louceiro
"My daughter and my niece who are respectively 10 and 14 are thick as thieves. There is something very beautiful about the closeness that cousins share. It's a chance, when one is lucky, to learn about who you are in the world, know that you belong somewhere and know that you are loved." - Karene Isabelle Jean-Baptiste
"This image is from my series, "A Distinct Pattern," chronicling my experiences as a new mother. It represents my feelings of deep love and paralyzing uncertainty that came with the birth of my first child." - Julie Renée Jones
"Him and I on medium format, December 2021." - Kannetha Brown
"Unicelular Series" - Celeste Martearena
"My lover, my mirror, my fantasy and my soul. So many stories have been written in my head when I see her. And I can finally call it LOVE." - Anne Marie Munoz
"This photo is about love and motherhood + holding on to the tender moments that you know won't last forever. - Brittany Marcoux
"From the series 'The "Bathers,' which re-imagines romantic 19th-century paintings from the seashore in photographs that rely on body language and expressive gestures for the communication of a deeply emotional, human connection. Couples bath in the elements such as floating in water and warming in the sun together, physically and mentally supportive during a time that reflects our need for rest, relaxation, and people." - Lesley Louden
"A couple I observed at the beach on the island of Porquerolles off the coast of southern France. There was something so beautiful in their simple actions of brushing off and getting dressed before heading home." - Melanie Landsman
"I met Tiwatayo and Sesno fourteen years ago as first-years in boarding school. In the six years we spent together in boarding school, we grew an incredibly intuitive family bond. Years and all the changes they bring would come and go and we would still know what outfit the other person would show up in." - Immaculata Abba
"The sky showing off its love when I awoke from a nap on a rock ledge and opened my eyes." - Lauren Grabelle
"We've know each other since we were 4 years old and I love them like family. I'm grateful for our 26 year long friendship and being able to capture this life milestone for was incredible." - Whitley Isa
"Valentine's Day is a very celebrated date in the capital of Lima. People from all over the city concentrate especially at "Parque del Amor" (Love Park), district of Miraflores, where a big sculpture of a young couple in love, reclining and kissing comes to the eye of anyone who visits. Among the crowd there are flower and balloon vendors, and the atmosphere is accompanied by background music. COVID-19 has changed this celebration, making that people no longer opt for physical contact and demonstrations of affection are saved for home, once the masks are off. It is expected that in the coming years this date will no longer be affected by the pandemic, but, above all, that there will be a scenario where love is celebrated equally by everyone, regardless of who they love, a scenario where civil union can be recognized by the Peruvian law and where the LGTBI+ community is no longer exposed to the scrutiny of a society that continues to violate their rights." - Rochi Leon
"This interracial couple dated in secret in the 70's and were forced to separate because of her family. After being apart for 42 years, she decided to search for him and learned that he had been living at a nursing home and had suffered two strokes that rendered him bedridden and debilitated. But once they reunited each knew they were both still in love, so she had him transported to her home where they now live together." - Leah Nash
"This photograph is of me and my partner. My intention in creating it was to document a particular stage in our relationship: mature, complex, and tender. " - Lauren Noelle Oliver
"This portrait is from my long-term series 'Every Breath We Drew,' which explores the power of identity, desire, and connection through portraits of myself and others. Working within the framework of queer experience, my portraits examine the intersection between private, individual identity and the search for intimate connection with others. I made these portraits during the pandemic, which required me to photograph outdoors, often close to sunset. " - Jess T. Dugan
"01 My parents 50th wedding anniversary - my Mum had lost her wedding ring some time earlier and my Dad surprised her with a new one to celebrate their big anniversary. I loved the intertwining of hands that have been through so much together." - Kirsty Larnour
"This photo is of my friend Bryan, a professional barber, multitasking between cutting his eldest son's hair and compromising with his daughter as she demanded his attention during her brother's haircut in their dining area. Loving black fathers are such important figures in their children's lives and as a photographer, it is my duty to continue to help shift the narrative surrounding Black fathers. It was an honor to be able to capture this moment of tenderness between Bryan and his children. " - Zakiyyah Woods
"Unconditional love is the path to actualization of our best selves. Ten years into my marriage to the kindest and gentlest of men, I’m realizing trans joy for the first time." - River Niles
"Becoming a parent lets you experience a profound, euphoric, and deep love, we set aside most of our needs to cater to the needs of our children, but there is also a deep sadness that can come with losing yourself, your autonomy, and your sense of the world. This is a self portrait taken during my exclusive pumping journey after my son rejected breastfeeding; every time he rejected it felt like a rejection of me, my heart couldn’t handle it, so I pumped for 6 months. " - Katie Ward
Lexi and Max. "In Utah, the new generation of LGBTQ+ Mormons is changing the course of its historic struggle between their sexual identity and the conflicts with their religious beliefs, by publicly acting on their sexuality despite the Church’s strict teachings." - Fazilat Soukhakian
"My daughter Katie and her then boyfriend, now husband, Spencer." - Pam Connolly
"3 months into dating Dario asked me, “are you my boyfriend, my girlfriend, or my partner? Or all of them?” I appreciated his desire to include me in the language he used, but I also realized I didn’t care all that much what he called me; I felt, and still feel, seen in a way that transcends language. He holds me through my changes, I hope to do the same for him." - Anne Vetter
"I was walking through Little Italy in NY when this adorable matching couple dressed so impeccably passed by me. I turned around quickly to snap their picture as they walked away. I love how the photo of this couple is so timeless, like they could be time-traveling lovers from any era." - Sarah Simon
"This picture embodies the power of sorority, as a weapon of love, and the strength of chosen family - something that is vital, especially in the Queer community." - Juliette Moro
"From my ongoing portrait series about intimate relationships of all kinds titled, 'The Things We Do To Each Other.' Jessica and Jenny “Are One With Each Other,” besties since Jessica was born, known for their twin-like telepathic abilities to communicate with each other." - Anjelica Jardiel
Transference (Green Classroom), 2018 from 'The Silence of Spaces. '
"This image of my romantic partner BJ and I is set in a building that was once a Catholic seminary. It is part of a series in which we are both on a journey––reckoning with connections between religious faith, gender, and the body. The title ‘Transference’ refers to the psychoanalytic term evoking the (often) unconscious placement of experiences from childhood onto an adult relationship. Here BJ wears a mask (thus becoming a vessel), allowing me to work through memories which had previously made me feel oppressed, allowing me to find relief through the image making process. Although I am grooming and caretaking in this scene, BJ is also performing a generous act. - Lissa Rivera
"This image of my romantic partner BJ and I is set in a building that was once a Catholic seminary. It is part of a series in which we are both on a journey––reckoning with connections between religious faith, gender, and the body. The title ‘Transference’ refers to the psychoanalytic term evoking the (often) unconscious placement of experiences from childhood onto an adult relationship. Here BJ wears a mask (thus becoming a vessel), allowing me to work through memories which had previously made me feel oppressed, allowing me to find relief through the image making process. Although I am grooming and caretaking in this scene, BJ is also performing a generous act. - Lissa Rivera
"Self love is the foundation for how we show up in the world, how we love others and how others learn to love us. Kissa Jo is a self love and pleasure coach that helps women remember who and how powerful they are! Kissa changed her life through self love, self acceptance, and is helping others do the same through tantric dance, one on one coaching and retreats. Photographed outside of Playa Del Carmen, Mexico." - Halima Gellman
"A young girl lays with the heifer she raised at the Pennsylvania Farm Show." - Jennifer MacNeill
"They had just found out Phylis’s cancer had returned and they wanted photos together. They became some of my dearest friends after this and to this day, one of the most important shoots I have ever done. Phylis died a little over a year later. " - Kat Schleicher
"For a project I did on self-love, Justine, who is a big proponent of therapy and of reducing the stigma around it, shared with me ways she cares for herself through the challenges of being a single mom. When she’s overwhelmed she uses a technique she calls “the next best thing.” When her home is a mess, rather than listen to that voice saying to immediately tidy up, she says, “We're going to sit right now. We're going to sit for the next 10 minutes and this whole house can be an explosive mess and we're just going to sit because that's the next best thing we need to do to feel better and not feel overwhelmed.” - Kate Albright
"This photo is about our love for each other through health struggles and the support we provide each other." - Keavy Handley-Byrne
"Two Thumbs Up." - Li Lin-Lang
"Will gently kisses his daughter Storie for the first time in the birthing pool at New Life Midwifery Birth Center in Arcadia, CA right after her birth." - Maggie Shannon
"The smothering, all-in feeling of motherly love- the all-consuming deliciousness of a baby's cheeks and the giving every ounce of yourself in every minute of your day." - Jamie Grill Atlas
"Part of a photo series titled (spoiled) milk and honey, which reveals the experience of being in an abusive relationship, captures the aftermath of that experience, and then follows the process of healing and coping using imagery and poetry. I wanted to capture the beauty of intimacy in healthy relationships and the joy of growth through self-care and love." - Jemma Dilag
"These photograph is part of anew series of self-portraits with my husband. We met almost 20 years ago, and 14 years into our relationship I came out as Transmasculine. Through these photographs we are making space for all the complexities of connection that have taken place since that transition 6 years ago. " - Ebenezer Galluzzo
"As of a daughter of a single mom, I always dreamed of a close relationship with my dad. I didn't get that, but my daughter sure has! I am constantly amazed by the bond between father and daughter! My daughter is so lucky to have her dad so present and lovingly in her life!" - Anne Kohler
" I have an ongoing photo project that I started in 2018 at the Shaky Knees music festival in Atlanta where I've been documenting public displays of affection. When I started the series, I was single and couldn't imagine being so physically close to someone in the 90+ degree weather. After my third year with the project I find the way couples experience these private moments in a huge crowd to be really beautiful. " - Brittany Wages
"This image is part of a series on long-term intimacy in committed relationships for Psychology Today magazine’s Summer 2021 issue. Bill & Kristian have been together since 1989, and married in 2016. Kristian says “(Bill) is so easy to love.” - Moya McAllister
"My younger sister was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was 11 years old and went through two years of chemotherapy, leaving her with neuropathy in her hands and feet. When my sister and I are together she always asks me to squeeze her feet in the morning to help bring the feeling back. These images were made while exploring how that small act of love, squeezing my sister's numb feet, is a constant in our relationship." - Allison DeBritz
"In tarot, The Sun represents the source of life on Earth. Divining fortune and vitality, it reminds us that abundance is the truth of life and gives light to see it. In my tarot series, I depict the love of my friends as my life’s most reliable teacher. When I am caught in shadow, love turns my attention to the dawn and reminds me that my very existence is a testament to the fact of this light which generously sustains me. " - Alexandria Riesberg
"Everything that has to do with encounters, frictions, or conflicts between forms of life, modes of perception, sensitivities or worlds is political as soon as this contact has reached a certain degree of intimacy. Frictions and conflicts arise where needs and interests collide. From which I realized that a relationship, be it platonic or romantic, is always political. . With these pictures I would like to try to enter a dialogue with my partner and invite others to question their own relationships may it be romantic or platonic relationships. " - Aimilia Theofilopoulos
Young Survival Coalition-Natalie - "I documented Natalie and Judith during one of their most challenging times. Natalie was newly diagnosed with breast cancer, and their lumpectomy was scheduled two days after their partner Judith's mastectomy. Judith could not reschedule their surgery as they had been waiting for it for almost eight months since they needed the surgery because they felt that their breasts were impacting their sexual self-esteem." - Anna Rathkopf
Embodying The Body. - DeLovie Kwagala
"A work in progress project - fear, obligation & love - exploring the relationships of self, of body & here of mother & daughter. Where does the individual begin and where does it end?
What gestures do we remember or hold dear and, how are those cyclical in nature? Guiding our anticipated identities, imposing on the love of mother and child through the generations.
The physical image explores gestures, while the practice itself is an observation of tenderness, of giving, of relinquishing and ultimately, of love." - Carli Adby Notley
What gestures do we remember or hold dear and, how are those cyclical in nature? Guiding our anticipated identities, imposing on the love of mother and child through the generations.
The physical image explores gestures, while the practice itself is an observation of tenderness, of giving, of relinquishing and ultimately, of love." - Carli Adby Notley
"A candid moment captured on film while friends danced in celebration of my visit to the Midwest this past summer. " - Deb Leal
"Birth sessions are filled with powerful moments and emotions. One of those moving moments is the connection shown between a mother and her newborn baby. There's a feeling of instinctive love in those tiny fingers wrapped around its mother." - Diana Hagues
A bride records her love letter to the groom before the wedding ceremony. © Diane Allford
K and G Gaming - "Love between family members is expressed in many different ways. Sometimes it is a big brother patiently sharing his space and video games with his little brother. Other times, it is those same children letting their mom to take photos of them (yet again) for a class project." - Shannon Maltbie-Davis
"I don't remember when exactly my son started saying "I love you", but in the last year or two I've heard more "I love you"s than I have in my entire life leading up to this, and probably more than I ever will. It's magical and sums up what love is for me these days. " - Anastasia Sierra
"Vanessa, who is in her last few weeks of maternity leave, lies in bed with her husband Matthew and their son Pablo, who is four months old, at home in Los Angeles, Cali. Jan. 30, 2022" - Lauren Justice
"My parents have always shown me that love is a supportive strength that adapts to the circumstances around it. Their commitment to each other in times of illness, financial stress, global pandemics, and whatever else is thrown their way has taught me that love is a choice that can be made in the hardest of times. " - Frances Bukovsky
"I'm working on a long term personal photography project photographing older couples who have been together for at least 20 years. The portrait session is accompanied by a brief questionnaire that asks for the couple's love story, relationship advice, the rewards of long term relationships, how to move forward when the going gets tough, and what they know now that they didn't know when young. The couples who have participated have beautiful portraits to share, and I hope to eventually share all the gold nuggets of wisdom." - Carina Jean Miller
"I've been interested in how affection we have for other humans manifests through our bodies. I ask my subjects to show their feelings, and the result is not necessarily sexual but highly intimate. This image is from a series that has been a joy to work on and is highly rewarding since I get to learn very personal stories of my models and their relationships." - Maria Panina
"A grandmother's love is unconditional- they have an abundance of kindness and patience. The life lessons they give are irreplaceable, their generosity and warmth knows no bounds- I should know because I was raised by mine. When a dear friend asked me the photographer her pregnant with her grandma to have memories of a lifetime I jumped at the chance- These are some of my most treasured images I have ever had the chance of taking. " - Shana Jarrett
This portrait is from the series ‘You me and the illness’, realized with my partner and touching on the subject of chronic illness in the intimacy of the relationship. Here we operate a role switch, where he is the one in my bed recreating the gesture and behavior I have when I am in pain - Emma Boittiaux
This photo shows the profound love of dogs by humans - the comfort being provided - in one it's the dogs, in the other it's the humans. Love transcends species and is most palpable with us and our dogs." - Courtney Baxter
Menilik and Zach © Gabriela Herman for Out Magazine
The Luupe
The Luupe is a global marketplace for exceptional visual storytelling.
We are home to a community of professional photographers, directors, and creators with deep experience crafting visuals that resonate and cut through the noise.
In a time where visuals are increasingly machine-made, we're on a mission to keep human creativity at the heart of brand storytelling. That's why we built a platform where real stories thrive, powered by real creators who bring genuine perspective and emotion to every frame.